Thursday, October 29, 2015

Romp & Circumstance

Featuring works by multi-media artist Gwendolyn Plunkett, opens at Hunter Gather on Thursday, Oct. 29th from 6-8pm
Text below taken from Hunter Gather Project 
Hunter Gather is pleased to announce the opening of Romp & Circumstance, an exhibition featuring works on paper, installation, and objects by multi-media artist Gwendolyn Plunkett.
Houston-based contemporary artist Gwendolyn Plunkett, guided by instinct and intuition, uses various media—wax, oils, acrylics, paper, and found objects—to create abstract compositions that investigate notions of form, color, texture, and surface. Recently, Plunkett has been exploring frottage and other printmaking processes that do not require a press. Romp & Circumstance features a new series of oil and cold wax diptychs that combine rigorous mark-making with a sense of play, resulting in enticing surfaces that invite us to take pleasure in their material tactility and reflect on the connections that emerge from an intuitive process.
These explorations have yielded a series of objects, from chairs to wall installations, composed of found materials coated with layers of wax that create a rich textural feast and form a visual dialogue with Plunkett’s paintings.
In our fast-paced, contemporary world, we are too often consumed by responsibility, work, and the desire for success; Plunkett reminds us that play, not only brings pleasure, but curiosity and innovation — enriching both our understanding of the world and ourselves.
Join us for the opening reception of Romp & Circumstance on Thursday, October 29th from 6-8pm.

I wish to thank the folks at Hunter Gather Project for all their efforts in presenting this exhibition of my work in such a thoughtful manner.  Naming names, Margaret Smithers-Crump, Laura Rossi, and all members of the staff, Hugh, Matt, Cori and Katrina. A big thanks to Curtis Gannon for installing the show. 

Directions to the gallery:

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